DataTalksClub Open Source Spotlight x Jina AI

Jina AI NLP Engineer, Isabelle Mohr demonstrates the capabilities of Jina NOW in this open source spotlight!

Promotional graphic for Open Source Spotlight featuring Isabelle Mohr of Jina NOW with the DataTalks Club logo

We are pleased to announce our collaboration with, where Jina AI NLP Engineer, Isabelle Mohr will be demonstrating the capabilities of Jina NOW!

In this video, Isabelle showcases some key features of Jina NOW, providing users with a better understanding of the platform and how DocArray can be used to handle large-scale datasets. She also walks through the app deployment process and showcases some results of our neural search application.

Additionally, she touches on hybrid search and explains how Jina NOW can be used in combination with other search engines to achieve even better results. We also provide links to our GitHub repository and documentation, as well as information on how to contribute to the project.

Finally, viewers get a glimpse of our future projects – so don’t miss out!

As an experienced developer and NLP Engineer, Isabelle is an invaluable member of the Jina AI team, making significant contributions to the neural search ecosystem. She recently graduated with a Master's degree in Computational Linguistics and has a strong passion for Machine Learning.

This video is a part of the Open Source Spotlight series and has been posted on the YouTube channel.