Jina 3.11.2 Hotfix

Jina is a MLOps framework that empowers anyone to build cross-modal and multi-modal applications on the cloud.

Release banner for version 3.11.2 with a neon magnifying glass over a CPU and circuit board background

Jina is a MLOps framework that empowers anyone to build cross-modal and multi-modal applications on the cloud. It uplifts a PoC into a production-ready service. Jina handles the infrastructure complexity, making advanced solution engineering and cloud-native technologies accessible to every developer.

Release 💫 Patch v3.11.2 · jina-ai/jina
Release noteThis release contains 1 hot fix.🐞 Bug FixUnpin jina-hubble-sdkTo avoid conflicting dependency versions with docarray, unpin the jina-hubble-sdk version dependency🤟 ContributorsJoa...


This release contains 1 hot fix.

Previously, we had a dependency problem between jina and docarray: Users couldn't install the latest version of both of them at the same time. Jina required hubble-sdk== 0.22.2 while DocArray required >=0.24.

This hot fix unpins the jina-hubble-sdk dependency inside Jina and solves this issue.