Finetuner 0.8.1 Update

Finetuner makes neural network fine-tuning easier and faster by streamlining the workflow and handling all the complexity and infrastructure requirements in the cloud.

Feature update banner with finetuner logo on the left and a price tag icon on the right, followed by 'Read More' with downwar

This release covers Finetuner version 0.8.1, including dependency finetuner-core 0.13.10.

This release contains 1 new feature, 1 refactoring and 1 documentation improvement.

Release v0.8.1 · jina-ai/finetuner
Release Note Finetuner 0.8.1This release covers Finetuner version 0.8.1, including dependency finetuner-core 0.13.10.This release contains 1 new feature, 1 refactoring and 1 documentation improve…

🆕 Features

Add Jina Tiny Embedding model

We have included jina-embedding-t-en-v1 in our list of supported models. This very small embedding model, comprising 14 million parameters, offers lightning-fast inference on CPUs.

In our experiments, it was able to encode 1730 sentences per second on a Macbook Pro Core-i5, making it perfectly suitable for edge devices. To utilize the Tiny model, follow these steps:

!pip install finetuner
import finetuner

model = finetuner.build_model('jinaai/jina-embedding-t-en-v1')
embeddings = finetuner.encode(
    data=['how is the weather today', 'What is the current weather like today?']
print(finetuner.cos_sim(embeddings[0], embeddings[1]))

⚙ Refactoring

Remove typing-extensions from Finetuner dependencies

We have eliminated the dependency on typing-extensions due to compatibility issues when using the Finetuner on Google Colab.

📗 Documentation Improvements

Add Tiny model and technical report to Finetuner Readme and Docs. (#763)

We have updated the documentation page to include information about jina-embedding-t-en-v1. We have also added technical reports and citation details tothe README and documentation page.

🤟 Contributors

We would like to thank all contributors to this release: