Text Embeddings Fail to Capture Word Order and How to Fix It

Text embedding models struggle with capturing subtle linguistic nuances like word order, directional relationships, temporal sequences, causal connections, comparisons, and negation. Understanding these challenges is key to improving model performance.

Three abstract figures in white, gray, and pink on matching cubes placed on a colorful checkered surface against a green back

Recently, Christoph Schuhmann, Founder of LAION AI shared an interesting observation about text embedding models:

When words within a sentence are randomly shuffled, the cosine similarity between their text embeddings remains surprisingly high compared to the original sentence.

For example, let's look at two sentences: Berlin is the capital of Germany and the Germany Berlin is capital of. Even though the second sentence makes no sense, text embedding models can't really tell them apart. Using jina-embeddings-v3, these two sentences have a cosine similarity score of 0.9295.

Word order isn’t the only thing for which embeddings seem not to be very sensitive. Grammatical transformations can dramatically change a sentence's meaning but have little impact on embedding distance. For example, She ate dinner before watching the movie and She watched the movie before eating dinner have a cosine similarity of 0.9833, despite having the opposite order of actions.

Negation is also notoriously difficult to embed consistently without special trainingThis is a useful model and This is not a useful model look practically the same in embedding space. Often, replacing the words in a text with others of the same class, like changing “today” to “yesterday”, or altering a verb tense, doesn’t change the embeddings as much as you might think it should.

This has serious implications. Consider two search queries: Flight from Berlin to Amsterdam and Flight from Amsterdam to Berlin. They have almost identical embeddings, with jina-embeddings-v3 assigning them a cosine similarity of 0.9884. For a real-world application like travel search or logistics, this shortcoming is fatal.

In this article, we look at challenges facing embedding models, examining their persistent struggles with word order and word choice. We analyze key failure modes across linguistic categories—including directional, temporal, causal, comparative, and negational contexts—while exploring strategies to enhance model performance.

Why Do Shuffled Sentences Have Surprisingly Close Cosine Scores?

At first, we thought this might be down to how the model combines word meanings - it creates an embedding for each word (6-7 words in each of our example sentences above) and then averages these embeddings together with mean pooling. This means very little word order information is available to the final embedding. An average is the same no matter what order the values are in.

However, even models that use CLS pooling (which looks at a special first word to understand the whole sentence and should be more sensitive to word order) have the same problem. For example, bge-1.5-base-en still gives a cosine similarity score of 0.9304 for the sentences Berlin is the capital of Germany and the Germany Berlin is capital of.

This points to a limitation in how embedding models are trained. While language models initially learn sentence structure during pre-training, they seem to lose some of this understanding during contrastive training — the process we use to create embedding models.

How do Text Length and Word Order Impact Embedding Similarity?

Why do models have trouble with word order in the first place? The first thing that comes to mind is the length (in tokens) of the text. When text is sent to the encoding function, the model first generates a list of token embeddings (i.e., each tokenized word has a dedicated vector representing its meaning), then averages them.

To see how text length and word order impact embedding similarity, we generated a dataset of 180 synthetic sentences of varying lengths, such as 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 tokens. We also randomly shuffled the tokens to form a variation of each sentence:

bwang0911/word-orders-triplet-random-shuffle · Datasets at Hugging Face
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Here are a few examples:

Length (tokens)Original sentenceShuffled sentence
3The cat sleepscat The sleeps
5He drives his car carefullydrives car his carefully He
15The talented musicians performed beautiful classical music at the grand concert hall yesterdayin talented now grand classical yesterday The performed musicians at hall concert the music
30The passionate group of educational experts collaboratively designed and implemented innovative teaching methodologies to improve learning outcomes in diverse classroom environments worldwidegroup teaching through implemented collaboratively outcomes of methodologies across worldwide diverse with passionate and in experts educational classroom for environments now by learning to at improve from innovative The designed

We’ll encode the dataset using our own jina-embeddings-v3 model and the open-source model bge-base-en-v1.5, then compute the cosine similarity between the original and the shuffled sentence:

Length (tokens) Mean cosine similarity Standard deviation in cosine similarity
3 0.947 0.053
5 0.909 0.052
10 0.924 0.031
15 0.918 0.019
20 0.899 0.021
30 0.874 0.025

We can now generate a box plot, which makes the trend in cosine similarity clearer:

Cosine similarity values plotted against sentence lengths with blue and orange lines, titled "Similarity Distribution by Sent
Figure 1: Similarity Distribution by Sentence Length for Shuffled Sentences with jina-embeddings-v3 and bge-base-en-1.5 (unfinetuned)

As we can see, there’s a clear linear relationship in the average cosine similarity of embeddings. The longer the text, the lower the average cosine similarity score between the original and randomly shuffled sentences. This likely happens due to “word displacement”, namely, how far word have moved from their original positions after random shuffling. In a shorter text, there are simply fewer “slots” for a token to be shuffled to so it can’t move so far, while a longer text has a greater number of potential permutations and words can move a greater distance.

Black background data table with word and combination counts featuring permutations of "ate," "eggs," "yesterday," "I."
Figure 2: Combinations of Sentences by Number of Words
We’ll stop the table there, since the number of combinations is the number of words factorial. By the time we get up to thirty words, we get 265 nonillion (2.652528598 E+32) combinations.

As shown in the figure below (Cosine Similarity vs Average Word Displacement), the longer the text, the greater the word displacement:

Scatter plot titled "Similarity vs Average Word Displacement" with dots labeled "label," "jina-embeddings-v3," and others, pl
Figure 3: Cosine Similarity vs Average Word Displacement with Shuffled Sentences Dataset showing correlation between average word displacement and cosine dissimilarity.

Token embeddings are dependent on local context, i.e. the words nearest to them. In a short text, rearranging words can’t change that context very much. However, for a longer text, a word might be moved very far away from its original context and that can change its token embedding quite a lot. As a result, shuffling the words in a longer text produces a more distant embedding than for a shorter one. The figure above shows that for both jina-embeddings-v3, using mean pooling, and bge-base-en-v1.5, using CLS pooling, the same relationship holds: Shuffling longer texts and displacing words farther results in smaller similarity scores.

Do Bigger Models Solve the Problem?

Usually, when we face this kind of problem, a common tactic is to just throw a bigger model at it. But can a larger text embedding model really capture word order information more effectively? According to the scaling law of text embedding models (referenced in our jina-embeddings-v3 release post), larger models generally provide better performance:

Scatterplot displaying scaling laws for embedding models with lines relating parameter sizes to METIS performance.
Figure 4: Scaling Law of Embedding Models, Showing MTEB Performance Scaling with Number of Parameters.

But can a larger model capture word order information more effectively? We tested three variations of the BGE model: bge-small-en-v1.5, bge-base-en-v1.5, and bge-large-en-v1.5, with parameter sizes of 33 million, 110 million, and 335 million, respectively.

We’ll use the same 180 sentences as before, but disregard the length information. We’ll encode both the original sentences and their random shuffles using the three model variants and plot the average cosine similarity:

Graph illustrating the relationship between model size and word order sensitivity with labeled version bars.
Figure 5: Impact of Model Size on Word Order Sensitivity with Shuffled Sentences Dataset using bge-small-en-v1.5, bge-base-en-v1.5, and bge-large-en-v1.5.

While we can see that larger models are more sensitive to word order variation, the difference is small. Even the massively larger bge-large-en-v1.5 is at most a tiny bit better at distinguishing shuffled sentences from unshuffled ones. Other factors come into play in determining how sensitive an embedding model is to word reorderings, particularly differences in training regimen. Furthermore, cosine similarity is a very limited tool for measuring a model’s ability to make distinctions. However, we can see that model size is not a major consideration. We can’t simply make our model bigger and solve this problem.

Word Order and Word Choice in The Real World

For much of this post we’re using jina-embeddings-v2 (not our most recent model, jina-embeddings-v3) since v2 is much smaller and thus faster to experiment with on our local GPUs, clocking in at 137m parameters vs v3's 580m.

As we mentioned in the introduction, word order isn’t the only challenge for embedding models. A more realistic real-world challenge is about word choice. There are many ways to switch up words in a sentence — ways that don’t get reflected well in the embeddings. We can take “She flew from Paris to Tokyo” and alter it to get “She drove from Tokyo to Paris”, and the embeddings remain similar. We’ve mapped this out across several categories of alteration:

Category Example - Left Example - Right Cosine Similarity (jina)
Directional She flew from Paris to Tokyo She drove from Tokyo to Paris 0.9439
Temporal She ate dinner before watching the movie She watched the movie before eating dinner 0.9833
Causal The rising temperature melted the snow The melting snow cooled the temperature 0.8998
Comparative Coffee tastes better than tea Tea tastes better than coffee 0.9457
Negation He is standing by the table He is standing far from the table 0.9116
Note that these are common cases we observed during our work and don’t necessarily represent a comprehensive taxonomy of categories.

The table above shows a list of "failure cases" where a text embedding model fails to capture subtle word alterations. This aligns with our expectations: text embedding models lack the capability to reason. For example, the model doesn’t understand the relationship between "from" and "to." Text embedding models perform semantic matching, with semantics typically captured at the token level and then compressed into a single dense vector after pooling. In contrast, LLMs (autoregressive models) trained on larger datasets, at the trillion-token scale, are beginning to demonstrate emergent capabilities for reasoning.

This made us wonder, can we fine-tune the embedding model with contrastive learning using triplets to pull the query and positive closer, while pushing the query and negative further apart?

Square sentiment graph with quadrants labeled 'Query', 'Positive', and 'Negative', and axes titled 'What We've Got' and 'What
Figure 6: The Effect of Constrastive Learning: Push Query and Positive Closer Together, Negative Further Away.

For example, "Flight from Amsterdam to Berlin" could be considered the negative pair of “Flight from Berlin to Amsterdam”. In fact, in the jina-embeddings-v1 technical report (Michael Guenther, et al.), we briefly addressed this issue on a small scale: we fine-tuned the jina-embeddings-v1 model on a negation dataset of 10,000 examples generated from large language models.

jinaai/negation-dataset · Datasets at Hugging Face
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The results, reported in the report link above, were promising:

We observe that across all model sizes, fine-tuning on triplet data (which includes our negation training dataset) dramatically enhances performance, particularly on the HardNegation task.
Technical table comparing JINA model performances on Negation Dataset with EasyNegation, HardNegation, parameters, and traini
Figure 7: Table showing EasyNegation and HardNegation scores on several sizes of jina-embeddings models with both pairwise and combined triplet/pairwise training.
Bar chart comparing the performance of jina-model versions on the HardNegation Dataset with F1 score on the y-axis.
Figure 8: Performance Comparison of Training Strategies between different versions of jina-embeddings.

Fine-Tuning Text Embedding Models with Curated Datasets

In the previous sections, we explored several key observations regarding text embeddings:

  1. Shorter texts are more prone to errors in capturing word order.
  2. Increasing the size of the text embedding model doesn’t necessarily improve word order understanding.
  3. Contrastive learning could offer a potential solution to these issues.

With this in mind, we fine-tuned jina-embeddings-v2-base-en and bge-base-en-1.5 on our negation and word ordering datasets (about 11,000 training samples in total):

bwang0911/word-order-jina · Hugging Face
We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
bwang0911/word-order-bge · Hugging Face
We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.

To help evaluate the fine-tuning, we generated a dataset of 1,000 triplets consisting of a query, positive (pos), and negative (neg) case:

bwang0911/word-orders-triplet · Datasets at Hugging Face
We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.

Here’s an example row:

Anchor The river flows from the mountains to the sea
Positive Water travels from mountain peaks to ocean
Negative The river flows from the sea to the mountains

These triplets are designed to cover various failure cases, including directional, temporal, and causal shifts in meaning due to word order changes.

We can now evaluate the models on three different evaluation sets:

  1. The set of 180 synthetic sentences (from earlier in this post), randomly shuffled.
  2. Five manually checked examples (from the directional/causal/etc table above).
  3. 94 curated triplets from our triplet dataset we just generated.

Here’s the difference for shuffled sentences before and after fine-tuning:

Sentence Length (tokens) Mean Cosine Similarity (jina) Mean Cosine Similarity (jina-ft) Mean Cosine Similarity (bge) Mean Cosine Similarity (bge-ft)
3 0.970 0.927 0.929 0.899
5 0.958 0.910 0.940 0.916
10 0.953 0.890 0.934 0.910
15 0.930 0.830 0.912 0.875
20 0.916 0.815 0.901 0.879
30 0.927 0.819 0.877 0.852

The result seems clear: despite the fine-tuning process only taking five minutes, we see dramatic improvement in performance on the dataset of randomly-shuffled sentences:

Graph showing similarity distribution by sentence length for various models, with a scientific and data-driven feel.
Figure 9: Similarity Distribution by Sentence Length for Shuffled Sentences with jina-embeddings-v3 and bge-base-en-1.5 (finetuned).

We also see gains on directional, temporal, causal and comparative cases. The model shows a substantial performance improvement reflected by a drop of averaged cosine similarity. The biggest performance gain is on the negation case, due to our fine-tuning dataset containing 10,000 negation training examples.

Category Example - Left Example - Right Mean Cosine Similarity (jina) Mean Cosine Similarity (jina-ft) Mean Cosine Similarity (bge) Mean Cosine Similarity (bge-ft)
Directional She flew from Paris to Tokyo. She drove from Tokyo to Paris 0.9439 0.8650 0.9319 0.8674
Temporal She ate dinner before watching the movie She watched the movie before eating dinner 0.9833 0.9263 0.9683 0.9331
Causal The rising temperature melted the snow The melting snow cooled the temperature 0.8998 0.7937 0.8874 0.8371
Comparative Coffee tastes better than tea Tea tastes better than coffee 0.9457 0.8759 0.9723 0.9030
Negation He is standing by the table He is standing far from the table 0.9116 0.4478 0.8329 0.4329


In this post, we dive into the challenges text embedding models face, especially their struggle to handle word order effectively. To break it down, we’ve identified five main failure types: Directional, Temporal, Causal, Comparative, and Negation. These are the kinds of queries where word order really matters, and if your use case involves any of these, it’s worth knowing the limitations of these models.

We also ran a quick experiment, expanding a negation-focused dataset to cover all five failure categories. The results were promising: fine-tuning with carefully chosen "hard negatives" made the model better at recognizing which items belong together and which don’t. That said, there’s more work to do. Future steps include digging deeper into how the size and quality of the dataset affect performance.