This Week in Generative AI

The latest updates in Jina AI's generative AI apps - SceneXplain, BestBanner, JinaChat, PromptPerfect and Rationale

Dark purple background with "This Week in Generative AI" text and a lighter purple design, with AI project icons below

PromptPerfect - Elevate your prompts to perfection

Refine and develop your prompt by chat

We're pleased to introduce our new chat tab, which will help you improve your prompts in a dynamic multi-round chat environment.


SceneXplain - Explore Image storytelling beyond pixels

Get stories from your images

Our new SceneXplain algorithm, Hearth, creates and reads creative content based on your provided image, and can even take on different roles.

At the same time, you have the option to customize your preferred genre of story.

You can then imagine the conversation and the distinct voice:

To share your story, you can download a video we generate for you.

And here's the video itself:


BestBanner - Blog to banner, without the prompts

Selectable styles

We've added a new feature called Selectable Styles which lets you choose from three preset styles - Photographic, Minimalist, or Flat - to control your banners' aesthetics.

JinaChat - More Modality, longer memory, less cost

More input tokens for the user

You can now input up to 4,000 tokens in the text window, which is approximately equivalent to 3,000 words.